How to Clean a Hydration Bladder? Several Steps

Here are several steps of cleaning your hydration bladder.

  • You should dump out whatever is in your bladder and then flush the hose.
  • You can then add warm water, flush, swish the hose and then pour it out.
  • You can scrub as much of the interior since you can easily reach with use of mild soap and also then a sponge or scrub brush. And then you should rinse it.
  • You should then fill with warm water and half a teaspoon of bleach, two tablespoons of baking soda or two cups of white vinegar. After this, shake, close and then sit for at least 30 minutes or so.
  • You should then dump out your complete cleaning solution, rise properly, flush the hose, prop your reservoir open and then hand it to dry completely. The trick of how to clean a hydration bladder is then making sure your bladder doesn’t stick together or also close on itself. You should always try propping it open completely with balled up paper towels or also a metal hanger that you have custom bent for this purpose.
  • If water from your reservoir you feel tastes unpleasant, repeat the complete process as indicated. You can then easily add some lemon juice to the cleaning solution.
  • It is certainly too humid for your bladder mainly to dry out between uses, storing it in the complete freezer between outings can definitely help in preventing mildew growth.
  • There are numerous options to fill it completely about 2/3 with warm water and also add one denture cleaning tablet for every liter of water.
