Clean the Hydration Bladder to Keep It Deodorized

When you have planned a trip or any hike which needs physical exertion you prepare by taking important equipment’s with the right gear and appropriate attire. You also take the camera, some snacks and your first aid kit. But in this think don't forget to drink clean water.

The most common but awkward thing is to carry a water bottle. Instead of that you can use a coleman hydration backpack for water. This is a sort of backpack which carries water.  The camelback is a good brand of hydration backpack. They are known as camel bak because the camels are famous for their transportation of water and also known as ‘ship of the desert’.

When you are in a hike the comfort of carrying water on your back is easily understood. We used to carry water in flask and canteen on our belts but technology has come a long way. You can fill the high tech backpack and easily drink water through a small hose called supply tube. But the question is how to clean a hydration bladder? First remove the mouthpiece from the tube and soak it in the sterilization solution. Then insert the wire into one end of the tube and pull through to clean the tube, repeat it twice if needed. Then in the sterilization solution soak the mouthpiece and hydrated bladder.
