Water Bladder for Backpack – Choosing the Right Backpack

When you choose the right type and perfect size water bladder for backpack, you should then certainly take it for a test drive before you buy. This article is going to offer various important details and some helpful tips in terms of how to test out your selected backpack before you buy.


Before you test your backpack, you need to be aware of how much weight you will be actually carrying. This indeed is dependent on the complete duration of your hiking trip, whether it is day hiking overnight or three to five day hiking.

Weight distribution

You can in fact start by loading up your water bladder for backpack with the test weight items at the outdoor store. All reputed outdoor stores should be blessed with fillers and weights specifically for load testing.

Home test

You should inquire if you actually try out backpack at your home, packed with your own gear and also return it if it doesn’t meet your needs properly.

Hydration systems

There are numbers of backpacks have either built-in water bladders or also a designated pocket for a water bladder.

Splash cover

Backpacks are not usually 100% waterproof so some of them have built-in or separate splash cover that is fully waterproof cover that you can easily use for covering your entire backpack.
